A lways take the time to read to your child at home.
B elieve in your child’s ability to achieve literacy success.
C reate a print-rich environment.
D iscover the importance of literacy together.
E ncourage your child to read daily.
F ocus on a positive reading experience.
G rab your favorite book and read!
H andle reading and writing with care.
I nspire your child to read with meaning.
J oin family literacy events.
K eep up the great work!
L isten to your child read.
M ake reading a ritual at home.
N ever give up!
O pen your mind to the wonderful world of reading!
P repare your child for literacy success.
Q uality time is essential. Make time for it.
R ead and write with enjoyment.
S et a good role model.
T alk about the books you are reading.
U se prior experience and knowledge to enrich your child’s reading.
V isit the library or bookstore and select an age-appropriate book to enjoy reading.
W ear a SMILE!
X out and conquer all obstacles.
Y ou can make a difference!
Z oom in on literacy strategies to enhance reading.
*Contribution by Lion Dr. Matilda Naputi Rivera
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